Aitchison College, Lahore.
October 03, 2016

Dear Parents,

Re: Assessment in Prep School: Cambridge English, Mathematics & Science

We have altered our teaching pedagogy and created a more vibrant, activity based learning environment with Cambridge classes. I am delighted with the positive early feedback from students and parents. Now, it is time to outline how Prep School will set about assessing student performance, adopting the language of Cambridge.

The following basic pattern of assessment applies in each of the three (3) terms:


Teachers will set PROGRESSION TESTS based on concepts and strands of learning that lead logically to a final SUMMATIVE TERM TEST. There may be two or three progression tests designed to assess the quality of short term recall and to determine if important formative stages of understanding are in place. Spot diagnostic testing will also help here.

Summative Term Testing assesses a boy’s recall of what progression testing has covered each term, but may also contain some extension questions. In this way boys will know what they are required to study for each Summative Term Test, each term. Except for the Final Summative Term Test (Term 3) that examines 50% of the year’s work and 50% of Term 3, all Summative Term Tests focus on each individual term’s work. The Headmaster will shortly provide the key dates for testing.

In addition to progression testing, boys may be assessed on: Classwork, Spot testing (a Cambridge feature that is purely diagnostic), Homework, Class Activity/Project, and Class participation.

The Headmaster of Prep School and the Academic Coordinator will work closely with Heads of Department and teachers in reinforcing these guidelines. All other subjects will follow a similar pattern.


Warm wishes,

Michael Thomson M.A., Dip. Ed., M.A.C.E

Created on: 06-02-2017 05:57